Personal Account < Business Account | Instagram

by - Wednesday, November 02, 2016

So I recently migrated from a personal account to a business account on Instagram. I didn't think much about it, and just that it may be useful for getting more interactions on my Instagram. And to be frank, it definitely has helped. So I will be sharing the various ways it's helped, and maybe help any of you guys who are debating on whether to migrate to a business account or not.

1. Contact: Rather than having to put your contact information on your bio, you have the option of adding a contact button, so people who come across your Instagram and are interested can contact you in three different ways; email, phone, and location.

2. Insights and Promoting: Now you can promote your photographs, which I think works well for businesses that want to raise more exposure, and for blogs, well if you want then you sure can as well hehe. With Twitter Analytics being a useful feature on Twitter, you now get Instagram Insights, which is great for people who are active on Instagram, to get information on followers, comments, likes and more which I will show below.

3. Individual Insights: You are able to see insights for each individual posts, the moment you switch. For me, these information just in general helps me in terms of knowing things like Impressions (The total number of times your post has been seen), Reach (The number of unique accounts that have seen your post), and Engagement (The number of likes and comments on your post).


4. Profile Analytics: This is the same as insights that are shown on your individual posts, however, these analytics can be seen by clicking on a bar graph type icon next to you three dots on the top right of your profile. These analytics show information between a period of time, so currently my information are from October 19 - October 26. This helps me because as you guys can see, I am to know how many traffic comes to my blog from Instagram, and clearly it's pretty low, which I think it's just to do with Instagram in general because not many people click on links, or maybe it's my account and I need to give more exposure to it more.


5. Top Posts: This feature allows me to see which posts have been the top posts obviously hehe. But you are also given the options to filter them, according to the information's you are looking for, so whether that is photo or videos, likes, comments, impressions, or from a certain amount of time. All of that is up to you. I like that because it gives me the freedom of finding put specific information's like which posts tends to get more comments. 


6. About Your Followers: This section lets you see how many followers you have, what gender they are, what age range they belong, and the top locations. So this part simply just give general information's on your audience which helps you to see if you are reaching the right people or not etc.

That's all the main changes that I have come across on my blogstagram, and I hope it's helped any blogger/business people out there that are reading this post. Oh and bare in mind, your business account is linked to your Facebook page, so if you do share your pictures from Instagram then it won't go on Facebook profile, and instead go on Facebook page.

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